National News:
- Los Angeles Times - Backers of California Same-Sex Marriage Ban Are Out-Fundraising Opponents
Regional News:
- Contra Costa Times (CA) - First TV Ad in Ballot War Over Same-Sex Marriage
- Anchorage Daily News (AK) - OP-ED: Where Is the Love in Trying to Make Gays Go Straight?
- Sacramento Bee (CA) - Pitt's Just Another Big Giver in Gay Marriage Showdown
- Miami Herald (FL) - Hutchinson Pulls Out of Fort Lauderdale Mayor's Race
- Long Beach Press-Telegram (CA) - Prop. 8 Battle Lines Drawn
- The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) - Shifts Emerge, Old Norms Linger
International News:
- Agence France-Presse (Bosnia) - Media Supporting Bosnia's First Gay Festival Threatened
From the Blogs:
- The Gist - Hypocrisy Bombshell: Antigay John McCain has a Gay Chief of Staff
- Top of the Ticket (Los Angeles Times) - Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw Donate Big to Stop California's Marriage Initiative
- - Lindsay Lohan Confirms Romantic Relationship with Samantha Ronson